
At 9:00 a.m. the crew welcomes you onboard the yacht in Kalamaki Marina to begin our daily cruise to two beautiful islands Hydra and Poros.

We will arrive to the most impressive island of the Argosaronic gulf, around 11:30 a.m. The port of Hydra, whose amphitheatric crescent-shaped harbor once served as a safe shelter for Saronic Pirates, leaves you with an impression of romance. Admire the architecture and the traditional stone mansions construed on the slopes of the hill.

Hydra is a yachting paradise, as every summer groups of sailing boats moor at the harbour, where they are joined by dozens of sensational motorboats and yachts.

Many poets, musicians, actors and celebrities have been inspired by Hydra in the past. Today a number of artists and writers both Greek and foreign, live and work on Hydra fascinated by its impressive well preserved stone architecture, rural paths, and deep crystal clear waters.

The special thing about Hydra Island is that motor vehicles are not allowed and all transport is done by foot or boat. If you feel like exploring the cobblestoned streets and you want captivating walks along the old seaside promenade you can try the island’s traditional vehicle, the saddled donkey!

You will enjoy the beaches on the island that are actually small coves with crystal water and green surroundings. Are you ready for a swim?

Before we depart from Hydra, you will have the time to enjoy delicious sea food and other dishes made from local products in one of the popular taverns along the port of Hydra Town.

Next stop is the so called “Venice of the Saronic Gulf”! Poros is a remarkably beautiful green island that will charm you with its groves of pines and the sandy beaches.

We will be passing through the narrow strait that separates the island from the Peloponnese, offering you the most enchanting view of Poros Town.

Around 17:00 we are getting ready for our return back to our base, Kalamaki Marina.